See the rest of the site for a list of preprints and working papers as well as info on specific projects.
Most of my published research is listed below and is also available via my Google Scholar page or my ORCID profile.
Peer-reviewed publications
Wilson, B., Wallace, M. and Saarela, J. (2024) Understanding the intergenerational impact of migration: An adult mortality advantage for the children of forced migrants?, Epidemiology, 35(5), 589-596 [open access version]
Wallace, M., Mussino, E., Aradhya, S., Harber-Aschan, L., and Wilson, B. (2024) Childhood socioeconomic background and elevated mortality among the young adult second generation in Sweden: A population-based cohort study, BMJ Public Health, 2(1): 1-9 [open access version]
Uggla, C., and Wilson, B. (2023) Parental age gaps among immigrants and their descendants: Adaptation across time and generations?, Population Studies, 77(2): 311-333 [open access version]
Tønnessen, M. and Wilson, B. (2023) Visualising immigrant fertility profiles of childbearing and their implications for migration research, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(S1): 23-46. [open access version]
Nisén, J., Bijlsma, M. J., Martikainen, P., Wilson, B., Myrskylä, M. (2022) The gendered impacts of delayed parenthood: A dynamic analysis of young adulthood, Advances in Life Course Research, 53(100496): 1-16 [open access version]
Wallace, M., Wilson, B. and Darlington-Pollock, F. (2022) Social inequalities experienced by children of immigrants across multiple domains of life: a case study of the Windrush in England and Wales, Comparative Migration Studies, 10(18): 1-21 [open access version]
*Saarela, J., and *Wilson, B. (2022) Forced migration and the childbearing of women and men: A disruption of the tempo and quantum of fertility?, Demography, 59(2): 707-729. [open access version], *Shared first-authorship
Wallace, M., and Wilson, B. (2022) Age variations and over-coverage: Is the migrant mortality advantage merely a data artefact? Population Studies, 76(1): 81-98 [open access version] [summary]
Mussino, E., Wilson, B. and Andersson, G. (2021) The fertility of immigrants from low fertility settings: Adaptation in the tempo and quantum of childbearing?, Demography, 58(6): 2169–2191 [open access version] [summary] [overview]
Batyra, E., Coast, E., Wilson, B., and Cetorelli, V. (2020) The socioeconomic dynamics of trends in female genital mutilation/cutting across Africa, BMJ Global Health, 5(10): e003088. [open access version]
Wilson, B., Drefahl, S., Sasson, I., Henery, P. and Uggla, C. (2020) Regional trajectories in life expectancy and life-span variation: Persistent inequality in two Nordic welfare states, Population, Space and Place, 26(8): e2378. [open access version] [public summary]
Nisén, J., Klüsener, S., Dahlberg, J., Dommermuth, L., Jasilioniene, A., Kreyenfeld, M., Lappegård, T., Li, P., Martikainen, P., Neels, K., Riederer, B., te Riele, S., Szabó, L., Trimarchi, A., Viciana, F., Wilson, B., Myrskylä, M. (2020) Educational differences in cohort fertility across sub-national regions in Europe, European Journal of Population, 37: 263-295. [open access version]
Cetorelli, V., Wilson, B., Coast, E. and Batyra, E. (2020) Female genital mutilation/cutting in Mali and Mauritania: Understanding trends and evaluating policies, Studies in Family Planning, 51(1), 51-69. [open access version] [summary]
Bijlsma, M.J. and Wilson, B. (2020) Modelling the socio-economic determinants of fertility: A mediation analysis using the parametric g-formula, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 183(2), 493-513. [open access version]
Wilson, B. (2020) Understanding how immigrant fertility differentials vary over the reproductive life course, European Journal of Population, 36, 465-498. First presented as: Wilson, B. (2013) Disentangling the quantum and tempo of immigrant fertility, 7th International Conference on Population Geographies, Groningen, June 2013. [open access version]
Wallace, M. and Wilson, B. (2019) Migrant mortality advantage versus origin and the selection hypothesis, Population and Development Review, 45(4), 767-794. [online version] [summary]
Busetta, A., Mendola, D., Wilson, B. and Cetorelli, V. (2019) Measuring vulnerability of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Published online: 10 May 2019 [online version]
Naci, H., Salcher-Konrad, M., Mcguire, A., Berger, F., Kuehne, T., Goubergrits, L., Muthurangu, V., Wilson, B. and Kelm, M. (2019) Impact of predictive medicine on therapeutic decision making: a randomized controlled trial in congenital heart disease, Nature NPJ Digital Medicine, 2 (1), 17. [open access version]
Bijlsma, M.J., Wilson, B., Tarkiainen, L., Myrskylä, M. and Martikainen, P. (2019) The impact of unemployment on antidepressant purchasing: adjusting for unobserved time-constant confounding in the g-formula, Epidemiology, 30(3), 388–395. [open access version]
Wilson, B. (2019) The intergenerational assimilation of completed fertility: Comparing the convergence of different origin groups, International Migration Review, 53(2), 429-457. [open access version] [media]
Wilson, B. and Kuha, J. (2017) Residential segregation and the fertility of immigrants and their descendants, Population, Space and Place, 24(3): e2098 [open access version] [accepted version]
Busetta, A., Cetorelli, V., and Wilson, B. (2017) A universal health care system? Unmet need for medical care among regular and irregular immigrants in Italy. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20(2), 416-421 [published version] [accepted version]
Wilson, B. and Dyson, T. (2016) Democracy and the demographic transition. Democratization, 24(4), 594-612 [published version] [summary]
Adserà, A., Ferrer, A.M., Sigle-Rushton, W. and Wilson, B. (2012) Fertility patterns of child migrants: Age at migration and ancestry in comparative perspective. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 643(1), 160–189 [published version] [summary] [media]
O’Leary, L., Natamba, E., Jefferies, J. and Wilson, B. (2010) Fertility and partnership status in the last two decades. Population Trends, 140, 5-35 [open access version]
Wilson, B. (2010) Children with a non-resident parent. Population Trends, 140, 53-81 [open access version] [media: 1 2]
Wilson, B., and Stuchbury, R. (2010) Do partnerships last? Comparing marriage and cohabitation using longitudinal census data. Population Trends, 139, 37-63 [open access version] [press: 1 2 3] [use in education]
Wilson, B. (2009). Estimating the cohabiting population. Population Trends, 136, 21-27 [open access version] [media]
Wilson, B. and Smallwood, S. (2008) Age differences at marriage and divorce. Population Trends, 132, 17-25 [open access version] [media: 1 2]
Wilson, B. and Smallwood, S. (2008) The proportion of marriages ending in divorce. Population Trends, 131, 28-36 [open access version] [media: 1 2]
Wilson, B. and Smallwood, S. (2007) Understanding recent trends in marriage. Population Trends, 128, 24-32 [open access version] [media: 1 2] [context]
Smallwood, S. and Wilson, B. (2007) Focus on Families 2007, London: Palgrave Macmillan [electronic version] [press: 1 2 3]
Other publications
Wilson, B. (2015) Origin, destination and convergence: understanding the fertility of international migrants and their descendants. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) [link]
Wilson, B. (2011) Migrant fertility in England and Wales: Measuring fertility convergence. Masters dissertation. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) [link]
ONS (2009) Households, Families and Children. Social Trends 39 (pp. xxvi-xxx) [report section] [press: 1 2 3]
McConnell, H. and Wilson, B. (2007) Families. In S. Smallwood & B. Wilson (Eds.), Focus on Families 2007 (pp. 1–18). London: Palgrave Macmillan [report] [press]
Wilson, B. and Smallwood, S. (2007) Family geography. In S. Smallwood & B. Wilson (Eds.), Focus on Families 2007 (pp. 71–86). London: Palgrave Macmillan [report] [press]
Wilson, B. and Smallwood, S. (2007) Where does all the information go. Marginal Notes, Issue 36 (pp.10-13), GRO [report]